Command line options


A pair of sequences, or one/two database files are mandatory parameters. Use one of the following option combinations:

Actual sequences given directly in the command line

-s1 <seq>
First sequence. For example: "AGN"
-s2 <seq>
Second sequence. For example: "QET"

One database file

All possible pairs of sequences from the database will be aligned.

-b,--database <file path>
Path to the database (multifasta format by default).

Two database files

All possible pairs of sequences, one from each database, will be aligned.

-S1 <file path>
Path to the first database (multifasta format by default)
-S2 <file path>
Path to the second database (multifasta format by default)

Other sequence-related parameters

-f,--database-format <s|f|fd>
Database format. Possible values: s (=simple file, one sequence per row, no headers), f (=fasta file), fd (=directory with fasta files). Default: f.
-filter,--database-filter-string <string>
Select those entries in the database whose identifier contains this string (regular expressions not yet supported).
-st <dna|rna|prot|auto>
Sequence type; possible values: dna, rna, prot, auto (=autodetection of the sequence type). Default: auto.
To be used with DNA/RNA input sequences. If present, genomic sequences are expanded into the complete back-translation graphs of the encoded protein.
Compression of back-translation graphs using IUPAC nucleotide ambiguity codes. Default: false; becomes true if this option is present.

Alignment parameters


-a,--alignment-type <g|l|o>
Alignment type; values: g (=global), l (=local), o (=overlap). Default: l
-G,--gapping-type <l|a|f>
Gapping type; values: l (=linear), a (=affine), f(=frameshift/codon). Default: f
-fs,--allowed-frameshifts <number>
Number of allowed frameshifts. Default: 4
By default, the two sequences are aligned in the forward sense. If this parameter is present, the first sequence is also aligned with reverse complementary of the second.
By default, the two sequences are aligned in the forward sense. If this parameter is present, the first sequence is only aligned with reverse complementary of the second.


-sm,--score-matrix <file>
Nucleotide pair score matrix to use; if provided, the parameters m, x, tx are ignored. See also: translation dependent score matrices.
-m,--match <number> 
Match score Default: 1.
-t,--transition <number> 
Transition mutation mismatch score (default: the mismatch score)
-x,--mismatch <number>
Mismatch score (transversion mutation). Default: -1.

Gap penalties

-c,--codon-gap-penalty <number>
Penalty for full codon gaps, to be used with alignments having a frameshift/codon gapping type. Default: -3.
-ce,--codon-gap-extension-penalty <number>
Penalty for extending full codon gaps, to be used with alignments having a frameshift/codon gapping type. Default: -3.
-d,--gap-opening <number>  
Affine gap opening penalty. For alignments having a frameshift/codon gapping type, this is the penalty used for opening frameshift gaps. Default: -4.
-e,--gap-extension <number> 
Affine gap extension penalty. For alignments having a frameshift/codon gapping type, this is the penalty used for extending frameshift gaps. Default: -1.
-g,--lgap <number>
Linear gap penalty. Default: -1.


-eP,--estim-params-file <file path>
Path of the file that contains the parameters used to determine the score's statistical significance.
-mev,--max-evalue <number>
Maximum accepted e-value for alignments to be considered significant. Default: 0.001.


-o,--output <file path>
Output all performed alignments to a file. If this parameter is not present, only selected alignments will be preinted.
-os,--selection-output <file path>
Output selected alignments (i.e. with an e-value lower than the given threshold) to a file. If this parameter is not present, the selected alignments are printed to stdout.
-xml,--xml-output <file path>
Output to a file in xml format.
Only print alignments that contain at least a frameshift.


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