Source code for procars.procars_steps

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-:

Copyright © Bonsai - LIFL (Université Lille 1, CNRS UMR 8022) and Inria-Lille Nord Europe


This software is a computer program whose purpose is to progressively reconstruct ancestral
gene orders.

This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL, or in the LICENCE file at the root directory of this program.

The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.


``procars_steps`` **module description**:

This module contains all steps of the whole ProCARs pipeline, which are:

    - step a) : Adding non-conflicting adjacencies
    - step b) : Resolving conflicts between adjacencies
    - step c) : Detecting DCJ-reliable adjacencies

These steps are called from the whole pipeline, in the main script : bin/procars_main

.. moduleauthor:: Aïda Ouangraoua, Amandine PERRIN

June 2014


from procars.step_modules import compute_conserved_adjacencies
from procars.step_modules import compute_resolved_conflicts
from procars.step_modules import compute_dcj_adjacencies
from procars.step_modules import compute_pqtree

[docs]def run_step_a(pqtree_file, adjacency_file, step, tree_bin, blocks_bin, car_bin, car_neigh_bin, nb_blocks, last_pqtree): """ Run step a) : Adding non-conflicting adjacencies Parameters ---------- pqtree_file : string Prefix of PQtree file name adjacency_file : string Prefix of adjacencies file name step : int Current step of ProCARs method tree_bin : string Name of binary file in which information about species tree is saved blocks_bin : string Name of binary file in which information about blocks is saved car_bin : string Name of binary file in which information about cars is saved car_neigh_bin : string Name of binary file in which information about car neighbors is saved nb_blocks : int Total number of blocks last_pqtree : string Name of the last PQtree file saved Returns ------- tuple *step:* current step of ProCARs method *donextstep:* boolean to indicate if we must run a new step a) or go to a step b) or c) *nb_discarded:* number of discarded adjacencies found in this step a) *last_pqtree:* name of last PQtree file saved (changed if we found non-conflicting adjacencies in this step) """ step += 1 print("Step " + str(step) + " : Computing conserved adjacencies...") adjs = compute_conserved_adjacencies.main(pqtree_file, adjacency_file, step, tree_bin, blocks_bin, car_bin, car_neigh_bin) nb_nc_adjs, nb_discarded = adjs[0: 2] # If there were conserved adjs, compute the new set of cars if nb_nc_adjs > 0: print("Computing new set of cars...") compute_pqtree.main(nb_blocks, adjacency_file, pqtree_file, step) last_pqtree = pqtree_file + "_" + str(step) + ".txt" # If no conserved adjacency, search for conflicts or DCJ-reliable adjacencies # -> donextstep = False donextstep = nb_nc_adjs != 0 return step, donextstep, nb_discarded, last_pqtree
[docs]def run_step_b(pqtree_file, adjacency_file, step, tree_bin, nb_blocks): """ Run step b): Resolving conflicts between adjacencies. Occurs after a step a) where the set of non-conflicting conserved adjacencies was empty, but the set of conflicting conserved adjacencies was not empty. Parameters ---------- pqtree_file : string Prefix of PQtree file name adjacency_file : string Prefix of adjacencies file name step : int Current step of ProCARs method tree_bin : string Name of binary file in which information about species tree is saved nb_blocks : int Total number of blocks Returns ------- tuple *donextstep:* boolean to indicate if a new step a) must be run or not *last_pqtree:* name of last PQtree file saved """ print("Resolving conflicts between conserved adjacencies...") compute_resolved_conflicts.main(adjacency_file, step, tree_bin) print("Computing new set of cars...") compute_pqtree.main(nb_blocks, adjacency_file, pqtree_file, step) last_pqtree = pqtree_file + "_" + str(step) + ".txt" donextstep = True return donextstep, last_pqtree
[docs]def run_step_c(pqtree_file, adjacency_file, step, tree_bin, blocks_bin, car_bin, car_neigh_bin, nb_blocks, last_pqtree, donextstep): """ Run step c): Detecting DCJ-reliable adjacencies This step comes after a step a) that ended up with empty sets of conflicting and non-conflicting conserved adjacencies. Parameters ---------- pqtree_file : string Prefix of PQtree file name adjacency_file : string Prefix of adjacencies file name step : int Current step of ProCARs method tree_bin : string Name of binary file in which information about species tree is saved blocks_bin : string Name of binary file in which information about blocks is saved car_bin : string Name of binary file in which information about cars is saved car_neigh_bin : string Name of binary file in which information about car neighbors is saved nb_blocks : int Total number of blocks last_pqtree : string Name of the last PQtree file saved donextstep : boolean If a next step must be run after this one or not Returns ------- tuple *donextstep:* boolean to indicate if we must run a new step a) (if we added new adjs) or not *last_pqtree:* name of last PQtree file saved (changed if we found DCJ-reliable adjacencies to add in this step) """ print "Computing dcj reliable adjacencies..." dcj_adjs = compute_dcj_adjacencies.main(adjacency_file, step, car_bin, car_neigh_bin, tree_bin, blocks_bin)[0] nb_dcj = len(dcj_adjs) # If DCJ-reliable adjs found, compute the new set of cars if(nb_dcj != 0): print "Computing new set of cars..." compute_pqtree.main(nb_blocks, adjacency_file, pqtree_file, step) last_pqtree = pqtree_file + "_" + str(step) + ".txt" donextstep = True return donextstep, last_pqtree