Source code for procars.step_modules.compute_initialpqtree

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-:

Copyright © Bonsai - LIFL (Université Lille 1, CNRS UMR 8022) and Inria-Lille Nord Europe


This software is a computer program whose purpose is to progressively reconstruct ancestral
gene orders.

This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
abiding by the rules of distribution of free software. You can use,
modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL, or in the LICENCE file at the root directory of this program.

The fact that you are presently reading this means that you have had
knowledge of the CeCILL-B license and that you accept its terms.


``compute_initialpqtree`` **module description**:

This module reads the source files (tree file and blocks file), stores information,
and fills a CAR file with an initial set of CARs, each composed of a single block.

It needs, as input :

 * a species tree where a node is marked as the ancestor: @
 * a set of universal synteny blocks
 * a CAR file name (in which initial PQtree will be saved)

.. moduleauthor:: Aïda Ouangraoua, Amandine PERRIN

February 2014

from procars.utils import utils_IO
from procars.utils import initial_files_reader as read_init

[docs]def mark_ancestors(tree, ancestor_id): """ Method marking tree nodes which are on the path between the ancestor node and the root node Parameters ---------- tree : dict Tree structure : {node_id: [node_name, parent_id, left_child_id, right_child_id], ...} where id = -1 if no parent/left_child/right_child and node_name = *"N"* + *node_id* for internal nodes, or *leaf_name* for leaf nodes ancestor_id : int ID of ancestor node in tree Returns ------- list 0-1 array such that path[node_id] = 1 if node is on the path between ancestor node and root, and otherwise path[node_id] = 0 """ nb_nodes = len(tree.keys()) # number of nodes in tree path = [0 for _ in range(nb_nodes + 1)] cur_node = ancestor_id while(cur_node != -1): path[cur_node] = 1 cur_node = tree[cur_node][1] # Next node is the parent of current node return path
[docs]def list_leaves_internals(tree, root_id, path): """ Function computing a list of leaves and a postfix ordered list of internal nodes for a tree Recursive algorithm visiting nodes from ancestor node to leaves, in a prefix order. Parameters ---------- tree : dict Tree structure : {node_id: [node_name, parent_id, left_child_id, right_child_id], ...} where id = -1 if no parent/left_child/right_child and node_name = *"N" + node_id* for internal nodes, or *leaf_name* for leaf nodes root_id : int The node considered as the new root of the tree path : list 0-1 array such that path[node_id] = 1 if node is on the path between ancestor node and root, and otherwise path[node_id]=0 Returns ------- list *leaves_internals:* list containing two lists: a list of leaves ids and an ordered list of internal node ids """ leaves_internals = [[], []] # array, (leave ids array, internal node ids array) # if id is a leaf if(tree[root_id][2] == -1 and tree[root_id][3] == -1): # add it in leaves array leaves_internals = [[root_id], []] else: # add it in internal nodes array leaves_internals = [[], [root_id]] # recover child1, child2, and parent id child1_id = tree[root_id][2] child2_id = tree[root_id][3] parent_id = tree[root_id][1] # add new leaves at the end of leaves array # add new internal node at the beginning of internal nodes array # recover list of leaves, and list of internal nodes from child1 if(path[child1_id] != 1): leaves_internals_child1 = list_leaves_internals(tree, child1_id, path) leaves_internals[0] = leaves_internals[0] + leaves_internals_child1[0] leaves_internals[1] = leaves_internals_child1[1] + leaves_internals[1] # recover list of leaves, and list of internal nodes from child2 if(path[child2_id] != 1): leaves_internals_child2 = list_leaves_internals(tree, child2_id, path) leaves_internals[0] = leaves_internals[0] + leaves_internals_child2[0] leaves_internals[1] = leaves_internals_child2[1] + leaves_internals[1] # recover list of leaves, and list of internal nodes from parent if(path[root_id] == 1): if(parent_id != -1): leaves_internals_parent = list_leaves_internals(tree, parent_id, path) leaves_internals[0] = leaves_internals[0] + leaves_internals_parent[0] leaves_internals[1] = leaves_internals_parent[1] + leaves_internals[1] return leaves_internals
[docs]def compute_parameters_from_tree(tree_file_name): """ Function computing parameters from a tree file Parameters ---------- tree_file_name : String Name of file containing the species tree to read to extract parameters Returns ------- tuple *tree:* dict, tree structure *ancestor_id:* int, id of ancestor node in tree *path:* list, array of 0 and 1 indicating nodes that are ancestor of ancestor node *leaves:* list, array of integers containing a list of leave ids *internals:* list, integer array containing an ordered list of internal nodes ids in a postfix order with ancestor node as root """ tree, ancestor_id = read_init.read_treefile(tree_file_name) path = mark_ancestors(tree, ancestor_id) leaves, ordered_internals = list_leaves_internals(tree, ancestor_id, path) return tree, ancestor_id, path, leaves, ordered_internals
[docs]def partition_species(species1, species2, species3, tree, ancestor_id, cur_id, partition_id): """ Function computing the partition of species defined by the ancestor node Recursive algorithm Parameters ---------- species1 : list Species names in group 1 array to be filled species2 : list Species names in group 2 array to be filled species3 : list Species names in group 3 array to be filled tree : dict Tree structure : {node_id: [node_name, parent_id, left_child_id, right_child_id], ...} Where *id* = -1 if no parent/left_child/right_child And node_name = *"N" + node_id* for internal nodes, or *leaf_name* for leaf nodes ancestor_id : int ID of ancestor node in tree cur_id : int ID of current node during the tree transversal partition_id : int ID of current group in partition Returns ------- list *species1:* String array, names of group1 species *species2:* String array, names of group2 species *species3:* String array, names of group3 species """ child1 = tree[cur_id][2] child2 = tree[cur_id][3] # if node is leaf (species) spe_groups = [species1, species2, species3] if(child1 == -1 and child2 == -1): spe_name = tree[cur_id][0] spe_groups[partition_id - 1].append(spe_name) # if node is an internal node else: # if node is the ancestor if(cur_id == ancestor_id): partition_species(species1, species2, species3, tree, ancestor_id, child1, 2) partition_species(species1, species2, species3, tree, ancestor_id, child2, 3) # if node is not the ancestor else: partition_species(species1, species2, species3, tree, ancestor_id, child1, partition_id) partition_species(species1, species2, species3, tree, ancestor_id, child2, partition_id) return species1, species2, species3
[docs]def compute_partition_and_species_id(tree, ancestor_id): """ Function calling the method partitionning the tree into 3 groups defined by the ancestor, and determining the 3 groups of species IDs, as well as the list of species with their corresponding ID. Parameters ---------- tree : dict Tree structure : {node_id: [node_name, parent_id, left_child_id, right_child_id], ...} Where *id* = -1 if no parent/left_child/right_child And node_name = *"N" + node_id* for internal nodes, or *leaf_name* for leaf nodes ancestor_id : int ID of ancestor node in tree Returns ------- tuple *species1_id:* integer array, ids of group1 species *species2_id:* integer array, ids of group2 species *species3_id:* integer array, ids of group3 species *spe_ids:* map such that spe_ids[spe_name] = spe_id """ species1 = [] # array of output species names species2 = [] # array of input1 species names species3 = [] # array of input2 species names partition_species(species1, species2, species3, tree, ancestor_id, 1, 1) spe_ids = {spe: cur_id for cur_id, spe in enumerate(species1 + species2 + species3)} species1_id = [spe_ids[spe] for spe in species1] species2_id = [spe_ids[spe] for spe in species2] species3_id = [spe_ids[spe] for spe in species3] return species1_id, species2_id, species3_id, spe_ids
[docs]def commons_read_tree(tree_file, binary_file_name): """ Reading, and computing parameters and partitions from a tree file, and saving values computed in a binary file. Parameters ---------- tree_file_name : String Name of file containing species tree binary_file_name : String Name of file where results must be stored Returns ------- list *nb_species:* int, total number of species *spe_ids:* dict, {species1: id1, species2: id2, ...} """ # read and compute parameters from species tree file tree, ancestor_id, path, leaves, ordered_internals = compute_parameters_from_tree(tree_file) nb_species = len(leaves) # number of species in tree # Ancestor node defines a partition of species into 3 groups: determine it res = compute_partition_and_species_id(tree, ancestor_id) species1_id, species2_id, species3_id, spe_ids = res # save computed values in a binary file values_saved = [tree, ancestor_id, path, leaves, ordered_internals, nb_species, species1_id, species2_id, species3_id, spe_ids] utils_IO.save_binary_information(binary_file_name, values_saved) return nb_species, spe_ids
[docs]def compute_blocks_neighbors(nb_blocks, nb_species, blocks): """ Function computing block neighbors Parameters ---------- nb_blocks : int Total number of blocks nb_species : int Total number of species blocks : list List of lists blocks = [[*list of blocks for spe_id=0*], [*list of blocks for spe_id=1*], ...] with *list of blocks for spe_id=1* = [[*list of blocks for spe_id=1, chromosome 1*], [*list of blocks for spe_id=1, chromosome 2*], ...] with *list of blocks for spe_id=1, chromosome 1* = [[start, end, num_bloc, orient], [start, end, num_bloc, orient], ... for the n blocks] Returns ------- tuple *left :* array such that left[spe_id][block_id] is an array containing the left neighbor of block block_id in spe_id *right :* array such that right[spe_id][block_id] is an array containing the right neighbor of block_id in spe_id """ left = [] # left = for each species : [[0, block_before0], [0, block_before1], [0, block_before2], ...] right = [] # right = for each species : [[0], [0, block_after1], [0, block_after2], ...] # add cells of arrays left and right for spe_id in range(nb_species): left.append([]) right.append([]) for _ in range(nb_blocks + 1): left[spe_id].append([0]) right[spe_id].append([0]) for chr_id in range(len(blocks[spe_id])): # sort blocks by start position blocks[spe_id][chr_id].sort() # for each species for spe_id in range(nb_species): # for each chromosomes in species for chr_id in range(len(blocks[spe_id])): last_block_id = 0 last_block_dir = 0 # for each block in chromosome for signed_block in blocks[spe_id][chr_id]: block_id = signed_block[2] block_dir = signed_block[3] # compute left and right neighbor if(block_dir == 1): left[spe_id][block_id].append(last_block_id * last_block_dir) elif(block_dir == -1): right[spe_id][block_id].append(-last_block_id * last_block_dir) if(last_block_dir == 1): right[spe_id][last_block_id].append(block_id * block_dir) elif(last_block_dir == -1): left[spe_id][last_block_id].append(-block_id * block_dir) last_block_id = block_id last_block_dir = block_dir if(last_block_dir == 1): right[spe_id][last_block_id].append(0) else: left[spe_id][last_block_id].append(0) return left, right
[docs]def commons_read_blocks(block_file_name, nb_species, spe_ids, binary_file_name): """ Function reading blocks from a block file and computing block neighbors. Saves all information about blocks into a binary file, used in the next steps Parameters ---------- block_file_name : String Name of file containing the ordered blocks for all species nb_species : int Total number of species spe_ids : dict Species and their corresponding ID {spe1: id1, spe2: id2, ...} binary_file_name : String Name of the file in which saving all information about the blocks Returns ------- int number of blocks """ # read blocks file blocks, nb_blocks = read_init.read_block_file(block_file_name, nb_species, spe_ids) # Find previous and next blocks left, right = compute_blocks_neighbors(nb_blocks, nb_species, blocks) # save computed values in a binary file values_saved = [blocks, nb_blocks, left, right] utils_IO.save_binary_information(binary_file_name, values_saved) return nb_blocks
[docs]def write_init_cars_file(car_file_name, nb_blocks): """ Creates a CAR file, with an initial set of CARs, each composed of a single block Parameters ---------- car_file_name : String File in which saving the CARs nb_blocks : int Total number of blocks = number of CARs in the output file """ with open(car_file_name, "w") as output_file: for num in range(1, nb_blocks + 1): output_file.write("#CAR" + str(num) + "\n") output_file.write("_Q " + str(num) + " Q_\n")
[docs]def main(tree_file_name, block_file_name, car_file_name, tree_bin, blocks_bin, adj_file): """ Main method. Reads tree file and block file, stores information into binary files, and creates a CAR file with an initial set of CARs, each composed of a single block. Also creates an empty adjacency file (no adjacency added at step 0). Parameters ---------- tree_file_name : string Name of the species tree to read block_file_name : string Name of the blocks file to read car_file_name : string Name of PQtree file in which saving the initial set of CARs tree_bin : string Name of binary file in which saving all information found in tree file blocks_bin : string Name of binary file in which saving all information found in blocks file adj_file : string Name of adjacency file in which saving adjacencies added at step0 (= no adjacency -> empty file) Returns ------- int total number of blocks """ # Step1 : reading tree file nb_species, species_ids = commons_read_tree(tree_file_name, tree_bin) # Step2 : reading blocks file nb_blocks = commons_read_blocks(block_file_name, nb_species, species_ids, blocks_bin) # Step3 : Writing CARs write_init_cars_file(car_file_name, nb_blocks) # Write adjacency file for step0: empty adjacency file open(adj_file, 'a').close() open(adj_file + "_discarded.txt", "a").close() print("... " + str(nb_blocks) + " cars") return nb_blocks