Source code for procars.utils.util_classes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-:

Copyright © Bonsai - LIFL (Université Lille 1, CNRS UMR 8022) and Inria-Lille Nord Europe


This software is a computer program whose purpose is to progressively reconstruct ancestral
gene orders.

This software is governed by the CeCILL-B license under French law and
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modify and/or redistribute the software under the terms of the CeCILL-B
license as circulated by CEA, CNRS and Inria at the following URL, or in the LICENCE file at the root directory of this program.

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``util_classes`` **module description**:

This module contains classes used by ProCARs.

    - SparseMatrix: provides a sparse matrix data structure

.. moduleauthor:: Aïda Ouangraoua, Amandine PERRIN

July 2014


[docs]class SparseMatrix: """ Class providing a sparse matrix data structure, used when a matrix with a lot of zeros is needed. Attributes ---------- sparse_matrix : dict dictionary where keys are IDs of lines containing non-null elements, and values are a dictionary with column IDs with non-null elements as keys and value at these positions (line_id, column_id) as values. **Ex:** *{x1: {y1: 1, y3: 7}, x8: {y4: 4, y3: 5}}* All other positions in the matrix are zeros. line_nb : int sparse matrix x size (number of lines) col_nb : int sparse matrix y size (number of columns) """ def __init__(self, line_nb, col_nb): self.sparse_matrix = {} self.line_nb = line_nb self.col_nb = col_nb def __getitem__(self, index): """ Behaviour of sparse matrix when sparsematrix[i, j] or sparse_matrix[i] is called Parameters ---------- index : int or tuple if int, line number to return. If tuple, value of the (x, y) matrix case to return Returns ------- float or list If index was a tuple, it returns the value of sparse_matrix[i, j] (0 if (i, j) not in sparse_matrix) If index was an int, it returns a list of floats corresponding to values of all elements of sparse_matrix in line number 'index' (empty list if no non-null element in line number 'index') """ if isinstance(index, int): if index < 0 or index > self.line_nb: raise IndexError('row index out of bounds') return self.sparse_matrix.get(index, {}).values() else: if index[0] < 0 or index[0] > self.line_nb: raise IndexError('row index out of bounds') if index[1] < 0 or index[1] > self.col_nb: raise IndexError('column index out of bounds') return self.sparse_matrix.get(index[0], {}).get(index[1], 0) def __setitem__(self, index, elem): """ Change the value of an element of the matrix Parameters ---------- index : tuple index of sparse_matrix single element whose value must be changed elem : float or int new value to give to the given element of sparse_matrix """ if isinstance(index, tuple) and len(index) == 2: if index[0] < 0 or index[0] > self.line_nb: raise IndexError('row index out of bounds') if index[1] < 0 or index[1] > self.col_nb: raise IndexError('column index out of bounds') self.sparse_matrix.setdefault(index[0], {}) self.sparse_matrix[index[0]][index[1]] = elem else: raise IndexError('give (line, col) index') def __eq__(self, other_sparsemat): """ Define behaviour to compare two sparse_matrices Parameters ---------- other_sparsemat : SparseMatrix sparse_matrix to compare with the current one Returns ------- boolean True if the two sparse_matrices are the same, False otherwise. """ return other_sparsemat.sparse_matrix == self.sparse_matrix def __repr__(self): """ Define what will be printed if print(sparse_matrix) is called Returns ------- string the string to print in standard output """ res = "" for x in self.sparse_matrix: for y in self.sparse_matrix[x]: res += "(" + str(x) + ", " + str(y) + "): " + str(self.sparse_matrix[x][y]) + "\n" return res
[docs] def pairs(self): """ Get all pairs *(x, y)* of sparse_matrix = all non-null element indexes of the matrix Returns ------- list *pairs:* List of tuples (x, y) for which sparse_matrix[x, y] != 0 """ pairs = [] for x in self.sparse_matrix: for y in self.sparse_matrix[x]: pairs.append((x, y)) return pairs